"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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Thursday, 31 May 2012

Granny A Day 152

Granny A Day 152

This Granny a Day is made up of a 
Bright Yellow centre
A Beige 2nd Row
A muted Green 3rd Row
A lovely Maroon Frame

I have had a very busy day, lifting Onions & Garlic from my Allotment, before the forecast rains come and storing them in suitable crates in my shed to dry them off before the move.

I have also given my two Goldfish, Cartier & Tiffany a partial water change as they will be transported in plastic bags during the move.  I will put them into a Goldfish Bowl (traditional) for a day before the move, so that I can give their little tank a good clean out.  Well that's the plan anyway!

My Dog is going to the In Laws tomorrow and won't come back to this house as we will pick him up on the way to Dorset, just so that he won't be traumatised by all the comings and goings of the removals men on the  day before and the day of the move.

Gosh with all this forward planning, it's a wonder that I have any time to crochet these days at all!

Another plan:  I am thinking of making about a weeks worth of Granny A Days ahead of time so that I am all done and dusted up to the 10th June - I know it's a little bit of cheating but needs must - what do YOU think?

Please leave your comments if you approve or indeed you don't !


  1. Sounds like you are being very organised and planning really well.I don't think doing a few granny squares in a go is cheating; you have a good excuse!

    1. Oh I am so glad you approve of making some squares in advance. Last night I made 4 "Jubilee" squares - all a variety of Reds, Whites & Blues which will cover me from today until Tuesday and when I have some more time I will make Wednesday (which will be a Lavender coloured one as Carshalton is Lavender country) and for Thursday I will make a Dorset one - I believe their flag is Yellow Red & White, Plus two more to cover me for the following weekend - just in case I don't get a chance - I would rather be in advance than behind!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!