"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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Monday, 9 July 2012

Granny A Day 191 + Someone is doing their homework!!

Look at this little lot!

Didn't she do fantastically well - all these Granny Squares and practice blocks

AHA took her homework very seriously since her last lesson on the 29th June!

As you can see from the Red & White Granny Square she made, I was inspired to make one of my own for GAD 191

I did try to steal the one AHA made, so that I could have a day off from GAD today, but that would have been really bad cheating wouldn't it?

Whilst we were sitting there, crocheting away together, I noticed all the different materials that our crochet hooks are made of.....

From Left to Right:

Glass, Aluminium, Bamboo, Foam with Metal, Plastic & Plastic (ok that's 2 plastic but they looked different at the time!!)


  1. Glad to see you made the red and white GAD, your photo made my 'homelearning' efforts look so good!
    Ali H.A.

    1. I had too make it I simply had too! I try to take inspiration from my day to create my GAD so yours was the perfect copy to make! Your homelearning (haha I hope the teacher in question doesn't read this) looked FAB in real life - you really did do an amazing job & I hope that you get the time to do the same again!

      Ali x


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