"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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Online Crochet Course

Learn to Crochet ONLINE
All 3 courses available in UK Crochet Terminology -Learn to Crochet from the comfort of your own home when YOU have some spare time, whatever time of day! The course never closes so you can return as often as you like, as many times as you like + you can add questions & photo's & have me as your virtual Crochet Teacher !


Sunday, 24 November 2013

Squares 325, 326, 327 & 328 + Filofax Cosy & Warm Heart Crochet

After a very hectic week, I have finally managed to catch up with the squares that have been missing from my Twitter Blanket!



One of the reasons that I was hectic is because I had a commission via ETSY for my Filofax Cosy

& here it is

If you would like a FAB cover for your Filofax / Personal Organiser then click here https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/170271926/crochet-granny-square-filofax-cosy?

And finally
Warm Heart Crochet

Please show your Crochet Support by making a square!


  1. I'm afraid the kitchen notepad is my personal organiser! I do love the cover you've made, especially the little inner triangles.
    I ordered my squares book from Amazon within 10 minutes of arriving back home on Thursday (sad eh?) so hopefully it'll arrive today

    1. LOL Elaine, I expected nothing less from you re: book purchase ;0) Looking foward to seeing you on Thursday x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!