"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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All 3 courses available in UK Crochet Terminology -Learn to Crochet from the comfort of your own home when YOU have some spare time, whatever time of day! The course never closes so you can return as often as you like, as many times as you like + you can add questions & photo's & have me as your virtual Crochet Teacher !


Friday 19 April 2013

Day 109, Bavarian Crochet Quandry & Crochet Books

Excuse the legs - they are very pale and need a good tan - concentrate on the socks if you please!

My husband said....

..."why have you crocheted an odd pair of socks?"

I didn't even bother to explain!

They are so comfy!

NORO 70% Wool 30% Nylon

And now for my class today

My pupil brought in these books

I am tempted by the first two but not so much by the 3rd one, however who know shat will happen once I get on Amazon!!

Now for Bavarian Crochet

 The lovely "C" has made these Bavarian Squares
& wanted me to show her how to join them to make a "blocks" blanket.

I did look online but didn't find anything, so I had to come up with something for her & I came up with slip stitching across the top of one square edge (I did this in a different colour for the purpose of the demonstration, otherwise I would colour match)

And I also suggested bpslst (back post slip stitch) to match the Bavarian Crochet technique

With a slip stitch join in both cases

The suggestions have been made so now it's up to "C"

This arrived in the post today - another pupil brought her copy in the other day & I liked what I saw so I went online to order it!

And finally
Day 109


  1. Why don't husbands get it? Made me laugh though. You have been very busy parting with your money ;)These pupils are bad for you!

  2. Thanks Ali for sharing and have a great weekend! Julie - USA


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