"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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Friday, 12 October 2012

Granny a day 286 and Bavarian Crochet Lesson

Today I took a crochet lesson with the lady that leant me the Bavarian Crochet book last week.

As I had taught myself to do this method of Crochet in the last week, it seemed silly not to teach her this week, so that's exactly what we did!

She also came to me with her Ripples Blanket that she has really made a good job of so far.

I spent very little time making some corrections for her, as she had gone wayward in a previous row and it had gone very slightly out of sync

And as you can see, I used my Bavarian Crochet piece as Granny A Day 286 for today's square.

Row 3 on Bavarian Crochet

Row 4

This is Rows 1 & 2

And Row 3 being added
You can see the lovely effect that adding a new colour every odd row gives.

Ripples Blanket close up

My student in full crochet mode!


  1. I love that book. I did a little bit of Bavarian crochet earlier this year but have still not completed an entire blanket using the technique.

    1. Hi Sarah, I am loving Bavarian Crochet. It does eat up a lot of wool!! I am not too sure how many rows I will add as it does take a long time, but little by little I will get there. Lovely to hear from you - Ali x


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