"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

Get Hooked Website

My NEW LOOK Website Get Hooked on Crochet is here

Online Crochet Course

Learn to Crochet ONLINE
All 3 courses available in UK Crochet Terminology -Learn to Crochet from the comfort of your own home when YOU have some spare time, whatever time of day! The course never closes so you can return as often as you like, as many times as you like + you can add questions & photo's & have me as your virtual Crochet Teacher !


Sunday, 9 September 2012

GAD 252 & 253

This is GAD for Saturday - 252

And this is GAD for Sunday so GAD 253

As you can see I am really using up BITS of yarn that are in the bottom of my basket from the odd colours that I am using in these recent squares

So here are GADs for the Weekend
Friday, Saturday & Sunday


  1. Hi!
    I've been reading your blog for the past couple of days, and the Granny A Day thing has really interested me. I just recently learned how to make them and now I absolutely love them!! To join in on the Granny A Day, do you have to start at the beginning of the year, or can you just join in whenever? Is there a certain place to sign up, so to speak?

    1. Hi Kaleigh, Glad you like the idea and welcome on board! I am so pleased that you are learning to CROCHET - you'll never regret it. Just join in GAD as and when you want too - there's no signing up to do , no catching up to do - just work at your own pace! We still have over 100 days of this year to go so if you want to start from now, 100 squares will make a pretty good blanket by the end of the year & then you can start again in Jan 2013 OR you can just start from today p.s. you can make anything that you like from the squares you make - I just like to make a large blanket but others see RAVELRY group have made lots of other things!
      Ali x (aka MAC)

    2. Thanks! You're very helpful. :)
      I'm going to start tomorrow! I haven't decided if I'll keep going or start over when January rolls around. I'll most likely just start over. We'll just see what my squares look like!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!