"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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Thursday, 9 October 2014

Weeks 40 & 41

Me and my little posse of hookers are going mad for Tunisian Crochet at the moment, so I decided to have a little taster of making a hat!

The most complicated bit was the top

But I made it YAY

However I decided to put my own stamp on it by adding lots of colour rows, not just a band of colour

And here it is!!

Sherborne: My class here is only had 2 lessons & this is what they made

Adorable Crochet pot covers

One of them even bought my book and made these socks too! 

She also amazed me with these fab table mats, bordered with a colour change - another thing she learnt from my book as we haven't learnt this in class yet.

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It's official!  I am a "CROCHETER"

Don't you just love this "Prefects" style badge?

More pupil makes, this time from my lovely Improvers who took my sock workshop

They brought in their finished pairs to show me along with


The Adorable Giraffe

That has a lovely smile

Another improver finished off this hat.  She had never crocheted "ribbing"before

An in class itself we made Crochet Button Flowers

I have been busy making Granny Squares for the Coach Trip to the London Kitting & Stitching show tomorrow & we are going to make a blanket with all made on the journey itself or pre made as I have done & donate it to a small local charity so that they can raise some money from raffling or auctioning it off.

And here is my wind mobile that I am making in physio 

I chose to decorate it with a crochet hook & a ball of wool - I drew this free hand!  I am very pleased with it.

Last but not least is work from my two new beginners that started with me yesterday.

They certainly have the makings of great hookers!!

Tomorrow I am taking a coach load of 47 to the London Knitting & Stitching Show so there will be a special blog report shortly!!

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