"When you give a gift made with love,
It turns it into something priceless."

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Learn to Crochet ONLINE
All 3 courses available in UK Crochet Terminology -Learn to Crochet from the comfort of your own home when YOU have some spare time, whatever time of day! The course never closes so you can return as often as you like, as many times as you like + you can add questions & photo's & have me as your virtual Crochet Teacher !


Sunday, 6 March 2011

Saving Rare Breeds - Raffle Prize 2011 is Finished!!

Yes, it's come to an end! 10 squares by 10 squares - so 100 crochet squares lovingly created in total and each one totally different to the next. I put a ruffled treble crochet border to the edges to complete the "finished look" If you would like to own this blanket then look out for the 2011 Saving Rare Breeds raffle 2011 on this site - www.savingrarebreeds.org.uk Here are some of the squares.....
That took a lot of time to create......
With the border featured.......
And having used the joining seams on top, rather than on the bottom as another feature!
The Waterlilly. What am I going to do next??