Wednesday 28 August 2013

Day 240 - Brains - Over Sized Jumper & more!


Can you tell the "real" brain from the Crochet one?  
It looks good next to a "real" one doesn't it!!

And now for more WIP news

I cracked on with my Over Sized Jumper today

And here's a sneak peak at the finished piece

I particularly like the neck

And I love the fact that I have "exposed" the seams

It does look FAB on but I won't show you the complete item just yet as I am hoping someone is going to snap the pattern up.  Fingers Crossed.

Now for my Twitter Blanket

It's day 240

Which means I have 15 rows by 16 rows complete

Even though it's not finished 

And doesn't have a border yet I think it looks GREAT!

Today's square was possible with thanks once again to Renee Kies who sent me this yarn all the way from the Netherlands - I met her on Twitter, so she joins a few other kind souls from Twitter, that have sent me yarn or wool - hence the name TWITTER BLANKET


  1. hi, can you share the pattern for making the brain please?

    1. Hi The jenlee - you can buy the pattern in my Etsy shop here Thanks for your interest & hope you have fun making your brain!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!