Tuesday 27 August 2013

Days 238 & 239 Lots of Post & organisation!

Well today was a great day for getting post!

First of all a BIG Crochet THANK YOU TO Renee Kies who sent me this lovely package of DK yarn, an owl clip & 2 wonderful flavour teabags + a lovely card all the way from the Netherlands

If you'd like to follow her on Twitter she's @Blond_Renee

Isn't that lovely of her to reply to my appeal for more DK for my Twitter Blanket & the even nicer thing is that this yarn would not be available easily if at all in the UK so these 4 colours will be extra special.

Today I bought these 2 massive 200g balls of yarn by James C Brett.  The are in the "Marble" range & I love the Autumnal colours of them both.

I am going to make lots of Chunky Beanie Hats with thick ribbing edging with them for the Christmas Fayre I have signed up for on the 5th Dec in The Exchange in Sturminster Newton.

Now back to Renee & her lovely Netherland Yarns

Here they both are - the top one is a flecked Purple, whilst the bottom one is a glitter Fuchsia & I love them both.

The other thing that I got in the post today was.....

I was in desperate need of another one to display my "makes" on in Crochet Class & when I go to venues to teach or to sell.

If you have one knocking around doing nothing then please send it to me as I will give it a very good home!!

And on top of all this I spent the morning preparing for the Class Workshops that start next week!

There was a lot of printing involved, stapling sheets together & getting things organised!

If you'd like to come along then visit my website

for full information including dates & times!

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