Friday 30 August 2013

Days 241 & 242 Working Hard, Crocheting Hard - Great Results!

I know, I know, I didn't blog yesterday - naughty me!
I was so busy getting orders crocheted, magazine submissions perfected & non crochet life sorted that I just ran out of time!

On top of that I am making sure my Crochet Workshops run like clockwork next week.

As you can see I have a few spaces left due to cancellations, so why not book your place?

If you can't get to me here in Dorset, then why not try my eLearning Course?

And guess what the postman delivered today!

Yes! Inside Crochet Magazine Issue 45

In it you will find my Pom Hat!!

(images are courtesy and with thanks to (c) Tailor Made Publishing & Inside Crochet Magazine)

Not only that, but they also did a special on Granny Squares & I have my Granny Shapes Bunting featured too!

Another Square is made (for yesterday) with yarn from The Netherlands thanks to Renee Kies

And here's the ad that came out in the local Blackmore Vale Magazine today - the phones already started to ring & Booking Forms for October Classes are being emailed out this evening.

Finally, here's the square for today

I know, it's looking a little chunky

As it's made with chunky - I just couldn't resist the colours 

Have a GREAT weekend
Crochet LOTS 

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