Wednesday 7 August 2013

Day 219 - Don't Panic!! Village Life & so much more!

It's that time of year again

Yes it's the Village Garden Society Annual Show

For any of you that live in a village, you'll know that this is a very prestigious event in village life.

Last year the category was "Handicrafts" & I entered a crochet motif top

I won 1st Prize

Which was a pound, yes £1, which I still have in an envelope!

This year I am pleased to announced that the "Handicrafts" category has been upgraded:

Unusually for me I have not been that organised this year & I realised last night that

A/  The Entry Form has to be in TODAY 7th August 2013 with the 30p per entry fee 


B/  Another designer still has my entry  #2 as she was photographing it for Crochet Camp!!

I do hope that I get it back in time

Don't Panic!!

Now for Inside Crochet Issue 44

 These images are (c) copyright of Tailor Made Publishing
 These images are (c) copyright of Tailor Made Publishing
 These images are (c) copyright of Tailor Made Publishing

Look at the bottom left corner.....

Yes there .....  Delightful Doilies!  I made it to the Front Cover !!!!!!!!!

They are my design!

And once again they have been beautifully photographed by the magazine

Looking at them like this I might shock you when I tell you they are made of string & Garden Twine etc.!


Joanne Scrace AKA Not so Granny

Wrote this very interesting blog post

Knowing When you have made it, which I really loved reading as it brought back many happy memories for me!

Here are my answers!

·  Publishing your first pattern on Ravelry.   YES

·  People downloading your pattern.              YES

·  People PAYING to download your pattern.  YES

·  Having a design accepted by a magazine.  YES    

·  Having a headshot photo taken.     NO!

·  Having your pattern featured in a "next month" spread in a mag.  YES

·  Someone making the pattern you wrote (and ideally putting a Rav project up - if a design is knit in a forest and no Rav project is created then was it really knit?)    NOT SURE

·  Getting paid for a commission.       YES

·  Being interviewed - be it a blog or in a magazine this always feels special.  YES

·  Getting your pattern used as the magazine cover picture. (this one NEVER gets old! - really experienced designers I know still thrill at this)  NOT YET BUT HOPEFUL (I DID MAKE FRONT PAGE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER ON INSIDE CROCHET ISSUE 44)

·  Work getting serious enough to have to have your own space to work. OH YES!

·  The postman now knows your name because you get so many yarn support parcels.  LOL WE HAVE 3 POSTIES & I KNOW ALL THEIR NAMES

·  Being asked to do a collection. NOT YET

·  Realising you need the right tools to work because this is your job now. ABSOLUTELY

·  Looking back over a year's output and feeling impressed and exhausted in equal measure. OH YES I HAVE ACHIEVED A LOT IN THIS LAST YEAR!

·  Being asked to submit to a project. YES IT’S HAPPENED A FEW TIMES NOW

·  Having to turn down work because you are too busy.  UNFORTUNATELY

·  Turning down work because it doesn't pay enough - scary but hugely liberating and important if you want to make this a career not a hobby. YES! IF I AM ASKED TO MAKE SOMETHING UP I ALWAYS WORK OUT ROUGHLY HOW MANY HOURS IT WILL TAKE – I WILL NOT WORK FOR LESS THAN THE MINIMUM WAGE! THIS IS NOT A HOBBY!!

·  Hitting No 1 on the Ravelry Hot Right Now page. ER – NO BUT YOU NEVER KNOW – ONE DAY I MIGHT!

·  Having your name mentioned in a list of designers you admire or used to sell something - yes this is starting to happen to me now and it feels AMAZING!!!  IT DOES!  I WAS MENTIONED BY TRACEY TODHUNTER ON HER BLOG THE OTHER DAY. I WAS MADE UP & SMILED FOR THE REST OF THE DAY!

However my personal greatest achievements are 
  • My eLearning Courses which have been selling worldwide.  
  • My Book which was only released on the 1st July 2013 & already has 4 lots of 5 star reviews & of course my 
  • Granny Bag which was a featured pattern on Slugs on the Refrigerator  that got over 1,000 pins on Pinterest from that post alone!
  • Being able to teach (as not everyone has this gift) Crochet and spreading the Crochet Love!

As if I don't already have enough to do, I am going to start writing a quarterly newsletter!

If you'd like to subscribe then fill in the form!


  1. soooo looking forward to starting my crochet course in September, do you think I'll be able to make the granny bag eventually?
    Cheque's in the post

    1. Hello Elaine, I am so looking forward to teaching you!! YES is the answer to Granny Bag - of course! Once you learn a basic Granny Square then the worlds your Granny!! You could Granny anything hehe.
      I will email you on receipt of chq. Thank you. Ali :)

  2. Wow, you've achieved so much. It's really inspiring.

    1. Thank you Lilian! It wasn't planned - it just happened :0)


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!