Thursday 8 August 2013

Day 220 - Crochet Clock & more!

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  • Now for the CLOCK

    I need a clock in my classroom for obvious reasons & I did have a plain one

    I also had lots of Crochet Flowers & Hearts, some that I made myself & some that were made by very kind Twitter Crochet Friends for my Crochet Basket on my mobility scooter, but as there was no space left I saved them for a sunny day!

    With my new Glue Gun at the ready - thanks to a Giveaway on Make & Craft Magazine
    I got to work

    And glues lots of lovely crochetness to my boring clock!

    Now it sits proudly on my Crochet Classroom wall

    And looks perfect

    Can you see it in the mirror?

    Yesterday my wool ordered arrived from Yarn & Craft Shop

    So I checked all the balls off the list & put them on display
    in my little Crochet Shop

    Today I will be preparing some things for the September Workshops e.g. breaking down balls of Chunky so that my pupils can get started on their crochet journey, printing off "How To" leaflets and some patterns sheets too!

    Well I managed to have a good sort out and got about 45 cards wrapped with lots of lovely Chunky in "Denim", "Fondant" & "Lavender"
    I have also ordered some small baskets from eBaY so that I can keep my DK wraps separate from my Chunky Wraps and then another one with smaller "ends"

    It's all go at the mo.

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