Tuesday 6 August 2013

Day 218 - Crochet Days in Dorset 2013 & an Interesting Exerise!

First of all here is the Square for Day 217 (yesterday)

And Day 218

Now for the interesting bit

Did you know that the time it takes you to crochet something could take you longer than you actually think!  Like me, you could be doing it to relax, sitting in front of the TV or you simply pick up your hook, crochet away, unwinding at the same time & not realising where the time has gone.

Well I challenge you to TIME the next piece of Crochet that you make, including the colour changes, fastening off, sewing in ends, sewing on buttons, whatever you have to do to finish the piece. 

I used the stopwatch on my iphone clock.

Realising the time involved in Crochet

Making the Granny Bag again turned out to be a very interesting exercise as I timed each piece I made.
Each Rectangle (x2) took 2.5 hours           = 5
Each Square (x4) took 1.25 hours               = 5
The Base took 80mins                                = 1 /  20
The Top took 2 hours                                = 2
& the handles 30 mins each                        =  1
So total time to make = 14 hours 20 mins.  This does not include the time it took to cut out the lining, machine sew & hand sewing involved!

Also, I am a fast crocheter, I wrote this pattern & I didn't have to refer to it that much, so if you are a beginner, find it hard to read patterns, have 3 million screaming kids or an attention seeking puppy to look after or the phone rings, these "obstacles" will add to your timings as it takes time to put your hook down, stop the timer, deal with XYZ, go back to your work, start the timer & work out where you last left off!!

And finally


I am now taking bookings to maximum of 8 places

These are the proposed days :

Choice 1 = Friday 27th & Saturday 28th September
Choice 2 = Saturday 28th & Sunday 29th September

Here’s what’s planned!
Day 1 Arrive on the chosen day, any time after 12 noon.There is ample street parking.  Refreshments / Light lunch & a good old catch up will be provided. Crochet will start at 1 p.m.
We will finish Crochet at 5 p.m. & you can go and check into your B&B’s & freshen up in time for a meet up & an evening meal plus a few drinks at the local Pub – The Old Ox Inn, Shillingstone.
Then to bed!
Day 2On the following day, the crochet will start at 10 am. We will crochet until 1p.m. when lunch will be provided (kindly let me know if you have any dietary requirements at all) & after that we will all go on a local walk together, using the local trailway and visiting Shillingstone Station Project (you will be taken back in time when you see this place!) All this is just on the doorstep (literally) and a breath of fresh air will prepare us for the afternoon of Crochet which will end at 5 p.m.
So this is your chance to bring along that Crochet Pattern you are stuck on, work on that stitch that you can’t master or just learn something new from one of the many patterns available in one of my ever growing pile of books & magazines!

If there is any specific technique that you want to learn, then just let me know in advance e.g. “I want to learn to crochet a poncho” or “I want to learn how to follow a pattern or understand the symbols that I keep on seeing in pattern books”. I will cover each topic in turn and can be prepared & have everything needed to hand!

Refreshments of Tea & Coffee or Cold Drinks, including cake and biscuits, plus lunch on the 2nd day, will be included in the price of £85.00. (no change from 2012!!) Places limited to 8 people

The cost of any B&B / Evening Meals / Drinks will be payable by you, directly to the proprietor of the establishment.  I can give you details of local b&b’s in the area.

Crochet Days in Dorset was a great success in 2012 & I hope that it will be the same for 2013!

Kindly let me know if you are a YES a NO or a MAYBE by SATURDAY 16TH AUGUST 2013 & I can arrange from your replies.  You will then be sent a booking form & this will need to be completed & returned with a 50% deposit to reserve your place.

I look forward to hearing from you so if you are interested please email campbellmac44@gmail.com 
Crochet Days in Dorset 2013 in the Subject Line
(just in case I have to search my junk folder!)

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!