Wednesday 26 June 2013

Day 176 & 177 Busy, Busy & more BUSY!!

Firstly I will apologise for not blogging yesterday.  I was a combination of things like being busy with other crochet items, crochet lessons, continuing to write my crochet book & the internet being dead slow for no real reason, so I gave up on trying to blog.

However here are my 2 squares....

I also took a booking for a Crochet Lesson in September (yes booking well in advance!) today - maybe the lady knows how busy I get!!

So my book continues to evolve.  I am not having many problems writing it, my worry is when I come to upload it!!

I am not that technologically capable, and I can only hope that all the photo's that I have added are ok, as it will be a total nightmare if I have to retake all of them in a different way!

Fingers Crossed!

You'll be pleased to know that I am very nearly at the end - a couple more projects to go and that will be it - YAY

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