Monday 24 June 2013

Busy Day 175

My friend and fellow Tweeter NS came to me for a Crochet Lesson today.  She crochet's well already but feared she had picked up some bad habits as she is self taught.

So we got crocheting!

Immediately I noticed that she was "hooking" the wrong way round

Instead of doing WOH (wool over hook) she was doing WUH (Wool UNDER Hook)

And this made all the difference, even to her foundation chain.

These photo's are awful, I know & I apologise - it's the colour of the wool.  However the top photo is with WUH

And the photo below is WOH
The main thing here is the vast improvement in the look and neatness of her foundation chain

We then went on to make little swatches, so that she could work her stitches of dc, htr & tr with WOH and not WUH

Look at the lovely neat stitches and the fabulously straight edges!
Well done NS
 Today I also spent time bringing my accounts up to date, getting commissions posted off & working some more on my book.

When Hubby's away in London I do get an awful lot more done for some reason as he's not a hindrance when he's here - it's just that we chat so much!!

Day 176 is here despite my very fruitful day

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