Sunday 23 June 2013

Days 172, 173 & 174 Another Busy Weekend!

Yes it's been another BUSY weekend - I am just wondering when I will get a WHOLE day off!

Would I like a day away from Crochet?
That is the question.

Well today I caught up with my Squares from Friday & Saturday

Whilst playing Candy Crush (very slowly) on my computer

I love these colours

They are from Rowan Yarns

A few "scraps" that I have left over from a project
which is very handy as  this is good for my new colour a day!

And I have also been making these Crocheted spectacles chains as I am forever putting my glasses (only use them for reading) down & not finding them again which is a pain.  Now they are with me all the time!

If you would like one custom made, I am selling them in my ETSY shop
Just click on the photo to go there (I hope)

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