Friday 28 June 2013

Days 178 & 179 - Crochet Classes, Crochet Book & Inside Crochet Magazine

Day 178

To be honest I spent most of yesterday & today fighting with technology as I have finished writing my book, but now I need to upload it to the internet & there have been problems.
Thanks to my friend Nicky, I did manage to overcome a few hurdles, so Thank You Nicky xx

I think I have got all the major problems solved now, so it's just tweaking bits & bobs & getting a photo edited - phew - fingers crossed & watch this space.

I did of course make time for a Crochet Class today & KPK brought in her little hat that she's made for a friends baby who is due in 7 days time.

I suggested the Pom Pom to finish it off, so we made Pom Poms in the first bit of today's lesson

 Isn't it lovely?

And here is KPK making a swatch of the snood scarf that she wants to make.

 Can you believe that we even watched a little of Wimbledon Tennis as we crocheted from the App on my iPhone!

Day 179

I am also thrilled to share that I have had another pattern published in Inside Crochet Magazine

My SeaLife Garland looks so great in this photo

And this is what to look out for in the Newsagents - Issue 43 - out today

These fantastic photo's / cover have all been published with the kind permission or Tailor Made Publishing - I thank you.

I love it!

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!