Thursday 18 April 2013

Day 108 + Workshop news!

I have loads to tell you today, but not a lot of photo's as I have been sooooo busy!

So here is the photo of the post

Day 108

I used 2 strands of the sock wool that I am using for my current pair of socks.

Sock Number 2 is currently in production and nearly at the end!!

So more news !

I took 2 workshops today - both 2 hours long.

One was for a group of 5 beginners which went really really well.  It was full of chat and crochet, probably more chat than crochet, but we got to working in rows with nice straight edges thanks to the stitch markers & using Double & Treble Crochet so we didn't do too badly!

The 2nd was with a lovely lady from Shaftesbury who has wanted to crochet for a long time.  She did really really well and she learnt to work in rows, in Double & Treble Crochet and has promised to practice lots before her next lesson.

In the meantime I had further "enrollments" to my eLearning course from 2 pupils that I teach One2One as an addition to their private lessons with me.  This will give them good back up for times when I am not there with them, at home in their lounge when they want to practice!!

In other news - my new wool has arrived from someone that I am doing a commission for.  It's lovely & I can't wait to get going on this project this weekend!!

And finally

I turned down - yes DOWN an offer of making up a piece, so that's where you are provided with a pattern & the wool & have to crochet the piece.

The piece in question was an adult cardigan, which I estimate would take around 20 hours to produce.  For what they were offering me, £50, that works out to £2.50 per hour - Minimum Wage is currently £6.19 per hour.
I rest my case.

And finally finally

Look what I bought today

A Vintage Stitch / Row counter! I can't wait for it to arrive as I will use it lots and lots so money well spent.


That's it from me - sorry for the lack of photo's!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ali, it sounds like you have had a really busy week. The vintage stitch counter looks interesting too. Take care, Julie - USA


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!