Friday 19 April 2013

Day 109, Bavarian Crochet Quandry & Crochet Books

Excuse the legs - they are very pale and need a good tan - concentrate on the socks if you please!

My husband said....

..."why have you crocheted an odd pair of socks?"

I didn't even bother to explain!

They are so comfy!

NORO 70% Wool 30% Nylon

And now for my class today

My pupil brought in these books

I am tempted by the first two but not so much by the 3rd one, however who know shat will happen once I get on Amazon!!

Now for Bavarian Crochet

 The lovely "C" has made these Bavarian Squares
& wanted me to show her how to join them to make a "blocks" blanket.

I did look online but didn't find anything, so I had to come up with something for her & I came up with slip stitching across the top of one square edge (I did this in a different colour for the purpose of the demonstration, otherwise I would colour match)

And I also suggested bpslst (back post slip stitch) to match the Bavarian Crochet technique

With a slip stitch join in both cases

The suggestions have been made so now it's up to "C"

This arrived in the post today - another pupil brought her copy in the other day & I liked what I saw so I went online to order it!

And finally
Day 109


  1. Why don't husbands get it? Made me laugh though. You have been very busy parting with your money ;)These pupils are bad for you!

  2. Thanks Ali for sharing and have a great weekend! Julie - USA


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