Friday 12 April 2013

Day 102 - Two Crochet Classes & more news!

Just in case you've ever wondered what else you can do with stitch markers, here's one!

If you have to make a long foundation chain, mark every 10th, 20th, 50th stitch with stitch markers, so you don't have to re count if you loose track!!

In one of the classes I took today, we tackled Ripples

Here's the 1st row

My pupils is on the left so very accurate compared to mine on the right!

 And this is half way through row 4 (the one my pupil made)

Isn't it FAB?

 Just a quick mention to Day 102 in this lovely blue

And now for my other lesson today.

A typical mistake when working a Granny Square for the 1st few times, is to work into the space created by the 1st treble that you make when starting a corner, so to stop this happening, I marke each corner with stitch markers

So that the actual 3 ch corner space can't be missed!

So another good use for stitch markers!

And in final news, I have more Crochet Commissions to work on now, after getting an email today.  I must say that my face did light up with all the compliments it contained, especially as not one but two commissions were "shaken hands on" at the end of them.

So I will be busy this weekend, as I have lots of work to do, patterns to write, things to make, patterns to check and all that goes with Crochet Pattern Design!



  1. Ali you are doing such a great job teaching all your students crochet. Your student did such a good job today. The ripple stitch is not easy to learn! Have a great weekend. Julie - USA

  2. I still think they are cute little stitch padlocks :-P


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