Thursday 11 April 2013

Day 100 & 101 & Class News

I am sorry that I didn't blog yesterday. I was not well and stayed in bed all day!
In the afternoon when I felt a tad better, I did try to crochet but it only lasted 10 minutes as my hands got cold very quickly, so I had to abandon my crochet and tuck myself back under the duvet.

 The bears below are knitted by my Mother in Law for charity

 The first lot went off the other day and she told me that it was heart breaking when they were picked up by some "burly" chap - never to be seen again.
It is sad when things that you make leave your care!

Day 100 & Day 101

 Now for Class News!

Look at what one of my students made

It was from a pattern that was recently published in Inside Crochet Magazine

Considering she was a total beginner when she started to come to Classes in February, she's done excellently well. 

We also covered Bavarian Crochet again (it's a big project with lots of technical stitches)

And then we went on to making Granny Triangles!

The interesting point that came from both Bavarian Crochet & Granny Triangles, is that reading, re reading and taking in what the patterns has said is essential.

And final class news is this wonderful "sampler" that one of my pupils has made from a 1920's pattern in fine cotton.
 All I can say is WOW!

 And to finish off this 2 day blog post, here's a lovely link for you to take a look at and follow - it's so colourful & wonderful


  1. Hi Ali, thanks for sharing everything from yesterday and today. Your students are really learning a lot from your teaching them to crochet. Glad you are feeling better. Take care. Julie x - USA

  2. Hi Ali
    thank you so much for sharing a link to my blog :)

    Hope you feel better soon

  3. Glad to hear that you are on the mend. I am now off to read the instructions and re-read them again before I have a go at Bavarian crochet ;) Thanks for the tip.

  4. I love the teddy bears. Looks like you've been busy :)


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