Sunday 14 April 2013

Days 103 & 104 + eLearning news + Crochet Blog Sharing Sunday

I spent most of Saturday deep in the world of a Crochet Designer.  Whilst it's only small items that I am designing, it doesn't take away the fact that you have to be spot on 100% of the time, no matter what size the item is!

So armed with the materials I needed, I cracked on with the ideas that were floating around in my head, put pen to paper & fingers to keyboard whilst picking up, putting down, picking up, putting down my hook & wool - all at the same time!

Several cups of tea, one lunch, a play with Scrumpy & whilst trying to watch Morse on the TV made my time feel more "office" like, apart from the play with Scrumpy that is!!

Anyway, I finished one commission, made up the piece, wrote the pattern, checked the pattern etc. and I mocked up the 2nd one, photographed it and emailed it off for approval.

This photo was sent to my by Vikki who has enrolled for my Crochet e Learning Course for Left Handers

Lucie from Tales of a Country Bumpkin made this for her friends Birthday

And this top was made by MrsMacsCrochet for MrsMac herself!

 Ziggy was made by Nicky from Twitter

This is a WIP bu Jupops from Twitter
It's the willow pattern from Jan Eatons book.

 And if you want to give this pattern a go.....


 Click this link!

This is a Granny Blanket WIP from Alina from Twitter

 And finally

This lovely dress was made by Grace

And finally there are squares for day 103 & 104

I love this silver sparkly one!

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Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!