Saturday 9 March 2013

Day 68 - Saturday of Crochet!

 Teddy is so cute! He was knitted by my very "crafty" and talented Mother in Law who is now enrolled on my Crochet eLearning course!
I love converting Knitters to Crochet

Day 68 Square is this one thanks to wool donated by one of my students.

I am having a "PROMOTION" on my Crochet Video Tutorials
There are 4 in total
One is FREE - How to hold your wool correctly & how to Crochet a Foundation Chain

The others

How to Double Crochet
How to Treble Crochet
How to Half Treble Crochet
showing you how to Crochet in STRAIGHT EDGES
are available here
for a small fee of £2.50 per video OR £6.00 for all 3
That's 50% off

There is also my Crochet eLearning Course available at only £15
This is a very detailed course including all of the above videos (htr is included in Course 2) how to read patterns, how to read symbols charts + lots more!
 This course is not time bound, so you can work at YOUR pace and revisit as often as you like, when you have the time to do so.

PLUS - you can upload photo's & send me questions via the comments section on each lesson - I will always answer any problems you may have & I will be thrilled to look at photo's of your work too!

If you want to have a go at my Giveaway to win a FREE eLearning Course + Wool & a Hook - everything you need to get you started, then go to Day 63 of this blo g
Click here

I have spent today designing, crocheting & writing 2 Crochet Patterns
So far, so good!

It's taken several attempts & quite a few mock ups in an acrylic wool to perfect it, however the people who have commissioned this are now happy with the end result and have sent me some very lovely RICO Essentials in 100% cotton for the finished piece.
Unfortunately not all the colours have arrived so I am now limited as to what I can make right now, and the deadline is looming, so once it does arrive I will have to get my skates on & hook out pretty sharpish.

Other great news is that one of my previous group pupils is now going to return to me for One2One lessons before she moves home in about 3 months time.  I can't wait to see her again as it was so much fun to teach her.

I am also planning to have a Crochet Clinic running over the Summer Holidays.  I was thinking of one day a week when Crocheter's can turn up between certain hours on a specified day & go through their Crochet Problems either in the Crochet Classroom or sitting in one of the gardens in the sunshine (if there is any) - what do you think? Would this idea work??

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