Sunday 10 March 2013

Day 69 - Mothering Sunday

In the last few weeks, I have turned down several offers of seemingly "easy money" for me personally, just by becoming an affiliate to promote Crochet, by simply mentioning these Crochet Companies or Bloggers on my blog & being paid a commission to do so.

This may come as a surprise to you.  Why is she, Ali, turning down money to promote Crochet?
Yes it's strange indeed, but there is a very good reason.

This reason is that the Companies & Bloggers in question only have Crochet Patterns in US Crochet terminology.

As you may have gathered in recent posts, I am trying my hardest to PROMOTE the fact that here in the UK we have 


and it would be wrong for me to direct you to a blog or a company page that has patterns written in US Crochet Terminology,

wouldn't it??


I am going to STICK with Crochet written in UK Crochet Terminology & that is that!

That's one of the reasons that I buy Inside Crochet Magazine.  It's PRINTED in the UK, PUBLISHED in the UK, they use UK Crochet Designers, however, even the US crochet designers they use e.g. Rohn Strong that they use have to write their patterns in UK Crochet Terminology (see pg. 70 of Inside Crochet Magazine Issue 39 - March 2013 for Rohn's fab cushion cover pattern)


Happy Mothers Day to all you Crochet Mums out there and NON Crochet Mums too!

I have made this Square for the Twitter Blanket today

 It looks Grey in the photo but it's a very soft beige

I am keeping up with twitter crochet items and I am pleased to tell you that there's a lot of crochet going on out there!

Oh and finally.....

If you want a snippet of my "Learn to Crochet in UK Crochet Terminology" then click here
If you want the full version then go to the Video Tab above and follow the link!!


  1. I agree with you but the US market is a much bigger market :( The Crochet Project will offer both versions which seems to be a happy compromise!

    1. Now that is a GREAT idea! It would also be good if publisher made it clear at the beginning of a book / magazine e.g. WRITTEN IN UK CROCHET TERMINOLOGY so that there is no confusion!

  2. So, let me make sure I understand:
    US slip stitch is UK single crochet, US single crochet is UK double crochet, US double crochet is UK triple/treble crochet, and so on and so forth?
    I picked all that up from reading this blog and various places all over the internet. I figured it might be good to learn it...might come in handy some day, yes? :)
    Just so you know, I respect the fact that the UK has their own kind of shows that there's an interesting history of crochet (but I don't actually know it). :P
    Don't let us Americans take over. ;)

    1. Hi Kaleigh. In the UK we do not have a Single Crochet. We have a slip stitch, Double Crochet (US Treble), Treble Crochet (US Double Treble), Double Treble and so on.
      US UK
      chain(ch) chain(ch)
      single crochet (sc) double crochet (dc)
      double crochet (dc) treble (tr)
      half double crochet (hdc) half treble (htr)
      triple crochet (trc) double treble (dtr)
      slip stitch (sl st) slip stitch (sl st)

      We do not have hdc - we have htr, so if you see a pattern with sc or hdc in it - it's from the US.

      Don't get me wrong, I have used many US patterns, but I have been aware that they are in US Crochet so I translate as I work. HOWEVER there are both US & UK crocheters out there that don't know that the other languages exists!
      We need to promote UK Crochet Terminology so that our UK designers, books & magazines can survive!

      Its' great that you want to learn both!

  3. I am from England and taught myself crochet over the last three years, mostly from Theresa's (Crochet Geek) US tutorials, now I find it hard to think in terms of UK terminology. I am will continue with US terms as there is so much in the way of US patterns/books etc out there but I applaud what you are trying to do. I am interested in your blog (and am a avid fan of Attic24 -so great there is such brilliant crochet on the web). Good Luck!!!

    Katherine Josephine

    1. Hi Katherine, I understand what you are saying. I am glad that you like my blog and that of Attic 24 which is superb. You should try some UK patterns and keep us UK designers in jobs! It's not easy designing and writing a pattern - I will be blogging about that tomorrow - Sunday 17th March. I appreciate your comment & hope you continue to read my blog. Ali


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!