Friday 8 March 2013

Day 67, Top 10 Crochet Blogs

After seeing the recent post on Liberty's Yarn,  I have today, decided to do the same research myself, so I typed in 

Crochet Blogs into the WWW (Google) & this is what I found!

I didn't included the listings that were listing Crochet Blogs e.g. Liberty's Yarn & Scarlett Dash.  I have just listed blogs that are purely dedicated to Crochet.

I also came across this funny postcard thanks to Inside Crochet Magazine

Isn't this just a gem!

As is Square 67!

And now for Class News!

Hasn't she done amazingly well, considering that a few weeks ago she A) couldn't Crochet & 
B) couldn't read a pattern &
C) Couldn't read a symbols chart & now "K" can do all 3!!!


I think "K" has come on leaps & bounds
She is so enthusiastic and keen to learn
Nothing that I give her to do in class or for her homework seems to phase her.

Well done "K"
You know who you are 

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