Friday 18 January 2013

Day 18 & snow!!!

This is me - smiling in the snow!

And this is my puppy Scrumpy who didn't like the look of it at first

But he soon came round to the idea that snow can be fun!!!

So after a walk

With his Crochet Coat under his wax jacket

We came home to the warmth & I crochet my square for day 18


  1. So glad it didn't snow on Thursday as I would not have made it to my very first class ever!!!! I so enjoyed it........

    I haven't done my homework though...... Can't remember what to do properly........ But I have practiced and practiced just using the hook and wool and have been going round and round in circles........... Wendy

  2. Hi Wendy, I am so glad it didn't snow on Thursday too!! I had fun taking Thursdays lesson and I am so glad that you enjoyed it. You did really well. Don't worry about the Homework as long as you are practicing that's the main thing!! Looking forward to next Thursday already. Ali


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