Thursday 17 January 2013

Day 17 More Crochet Lessons

I don't think that this photograph does the colour of this square justice.
It really is a vibrant purple, the kind that really hits you when you look at it, but in this photo it looks more navy blue, sadly.
Anyway that being said and done, it's still square 17 and it's still a "new" colour!

Now for more news:

I took 2 Crochet Workshops today.

This morning was a Beginners Group Class.  4 Ladies were books in, all of whom I had spoken to on the phone and all of whom were sent booking forms, however I knew that they wouldn't have time to return them by today with payment, so I had to rely on them turning up on the day.

Unfortunately 2 Ladies - sisters, who were due to come together, didn't!
So myself & the 2 ladies who did arrive, gave them until 10 minutes passed the hour and then  got started.  With all the chatting going on, we only managed to cover Foundation Chains and Double Crochet and they were more than happy with this and went away with some homework so that they can practice before next weeks lesson, which I am already looking forward to taking.

This afternoon was spent with one of my "intermediate" ladies who drive up from Poole.  We spent a fantastic 2 hours translating German Crochet Patterns and symbols charts, so that she can make a few items for her grand daughter.  It was a great 2 hours & I learnt that German Symbols patterns vary every so slightly from UK ones!

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