Sunday 20 January 2013

Day 19 & 20, PomPoms & more!

I got up early this morning to make a Pom Pom.  As you can see I used several strands at the same time to make it multi coloured - and to the right is ithe beginning of my hat, one that I was inspired to make as I saw a pupil of mine wearing a knitted version in this shape (not the colours) the other day and I rather fancied it myself!

I made up the pattern as I went along!

And here's the hat - ok so it looks a little strange like this but 

It looks lovely like this

I also made a nice chunky headband for my neighbour who is 16 today

I wasn't sure about the flower (not sure if 16 year olds like them?)

So I put it on a hair clip to make it not only detachable but can wear it separately too.

Busy Sunday Morning

Here is the beginning of Square 19

And here it is in Deep Green added to the blanket

This is square 20 

It's in the palest pink so you might not be able to distinguish it from the white!

And here are all 20 squares

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