Tuesday 22 May 2012

GAD 143

My apologies if you popped here earlier and found a blank post

I will explain!

After not hearing any news about the house exchange yesterday, we did finally have so great news today!

Yes we have now exchanged contracts and we complete on the 7th June 2012

will be moving classes to Dorset 
I can hear the whole of Dorset cheering from here LOL

Despite all this excitement I still managed to concentrate for long enough to make GAD 143

As you can see it's one of my "join the scrap yarns" specials

I will need to use as many PROPER scraps as I can now as I will only end up taking them with me - well I will anyway if the are part of my GAD blanket but it's a better way to travel, don't you think?

So my Crochet Room is currently in the process of being boxed up, although I do have 4 more Crochet Lessons to take, possibly 5, before the big day in 15 days time.

Can you tell I am excited?

Dorset here I come!

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