Monday 21 May 2012

Granny A Day 142 & Elephants!

I needed to take my mind of things today as we are waiting to hear if we have exchanged on our property transaction today, so I started off by having a little tidy up as I have a lesson later.  Whilst I was tidying around I found this lovely pattern in a magazine.

Although I swore that I would NOT start another project, I thought, well this is only small and it won't take long, so I started - naughty me!

Unfortunately the pattern was a bit strange, but there was a website link available

And on the website was an Errata page, and on this page it said:
Unfortunately, there wasn’t room to include all the drawings that go with Noodle (I do like to write rather wordy patterns, don’t I?..)  so if you find yourself a bit stuck when it comes to making the legs and trunk, drop me an email and I’ll send the missing diagrams to you!

So I emailed Irene and she emailed me straight back

With the full PDF pattern 

So Noodles was able to progress

And I am really pleased with the way she's turned out

She's a combination of Granny Square and Amigurumi

So you have to sew in a panel which you can just about see in the picture above and below, of scrap material, to stop the stuffing from coming out.

As I had the coloured yarns out already, I decided to use the same colours for today's Granny A Day 142

That way I will always remember what day I made Noodles on!


  1. Hi, I would like to make that elephant but is not there anymore, is there any chance you could send me the pdf?

    1. I am sorry but that's breaking Copyright. You will have to contact Irene directly via her email & buy the pdf from her.


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