Wednesday 23 May 2012

Granny A Day 144 (12 x 12)

Granny A Day 144 is a rather special Granny Square

It means that another "SQUARE" is now complete, that is to say 12 granny squares by 12 granny squares!!

The blanket itself is now too large to take a photo of in my Crochet Room so I will have to find another large floor area in my house tomorrow (if I remember) to accommodate my need.

I have 2 crochet lessons tomorrow, amongst the packing boxes!

My pupils are chomping at the bit to get as many lessons in before I go, but I am going to have to make next week my last week as the week after that is the VERY long Bank Holiday weekend (Monday & Tuesday) then it's just the Wednesday left and I will be in Dorset on the Thursday!

I am going to have to start from scratch there and build up my clientele once again 
Get Dorset Crocheting ! 

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