Monday 23 April 2012

Granny A Day 114 + Knitting & Crochet Blog Week 2012

Happy St. George's Day

Here is GAD 114 to commemorate the day.

I had to add an extra RED treble in along the last row, row 4, to continue to line.  The back is a bit of a mess, but hey, never mind - it's worked out rather well I think - what do you think?

We don't celebrate the day in the same way as the Irish, for example, celebrate St. Patrick's Day, which is a shame, so here is my small "celebration" to mark this occasion.


Today I am going to tell you that it's the 3rd Year of the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week 2012
And this year I have decided to join in, as I do blog daily (well pretty much) about my Crochet
LOL do I need any further encouragement to blog or to crochet?


Today's code is 3KCBWDAY1

Today's topic is:

Colour Lovers
Colour is one of our greatest expressions of ourselves when we choose to knit or crochet, so how do you choose what colours you buy and crochet or knit with. Have a look through your stash and see if there is a predominance of one colour. Do the same with your finished projects - do they match? Do you love a rainbow of bright hues, or more subdued tones. How much attention do you pay to the original colour that a garment is knit in when you see a pattern? Tell readers about your love or confusion over colour.

This is such a great topic to blog about as I love colour.  The more vibrant the better.  I am lucky as I have olive skin, so I can take to bold vibrant colours a lot better than toned down "shades of white" type colours and I am often found wearing Reds and Bright Oranges.

I am looking at my 2 shelves of yarns & wools, and my 3 baskets of the same, as I sit here and type away.  One basket is dedicated (see 1st picture below) to my latest yarns, the other is dedicated to odd balls and bags of 10 or 12 matching colours - 2 shelves have a total mixture of more muted colours in various shades of Blue, Black & Browns + I also have a drawer full of "special" wools like Merino & Cashmeres - these are in colours like Navy Blue, Deep Green & Creams.

If I am following a pattern then I tend to stay with the colour choice of the pattern as that's probably one of the reasons that I chose to crochet that item in the first place, however I did treat myself to a lovely stash of very colourful yarns at the beginning of 2012 - The intention was to make all my Granny A Day (366 squares for 2012) Squares out of these lovely colours, but then I thought about using up scraps for GAD, so I had a whole basket of lovely colours to use up!

As you can see I've made a very colour Giant Granny Square Blanket which is still a WIP

I have also made this scarf - inspired by the one that was selling for £400 in a glossy magazine just before Christmas

These are some of my GAD's

The beginnings of my Ripples Blanket

Gorgeously warm colours

"Shades of...."

Ripples Blanket is growing in size and colours

I have a few more colours to go before I start again.

These "rainbow" circles will make FAB cushion covers - very full of colour to brighten up any sofa

Vibrantly bright colours in a few GAD squares

I made some Rainbow Hearts

That eventually got turned into 

A very nice string of Bunting

This top was made in White rather than the patterns suggested Cream, so not too dis-similar 

And a classic Valentines Heart was changed to Navy Blue as this is my husbands favourite colour

The buttons I recently bought are a whole rainbow of colours

More bunting

In vibrant colours

So all in all I have a good "all round" stash of colours - probably too many of them really.  Actually is there such a thing as having too many balls of Yarn or Wool??  
NO of course there isn't!
But I don't think my husband will agree and I hope that I am not found out when I have to start packing up for our move to Dorset! LOL

To read more blogs within the Knitting and Crochet Blog Week group then simply start a new web search typing  3KCBWDAY1 into the box and you'll find loads and loads and loads of wonderful Crochet & Knitting blogs to read.

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