Sunday 22 April 2012

Granny A Day 112 - Granny A Day 113

I am SO SORRY that I (a) didn't warn you that I wouldn't be posting on my blog yesterday and (b) that I didn't actually post at all.

Anyway here is both Granny A Day 112 & Granny A Day 113

I was determined to use scraps of wool for both squares and that's what I did!

I just about managed to start GAD 112 of as you can see - there wasn't a lot of scrap brown left over.

So this is Granny A Day 112

And this is Granny A Day 113

And this is (obviously) 112 and 113 together

Big Lion is now in his new home!  
Yes he was given away as intended to my friend and neighbour for her 40th Birthday Present.  I just hope that she liked him and that he likes her!

Well that's all from me for the weekend folks
Hope you have all had a good one?

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