Friday 20 April 2012

Granny A Day #111 & WIP

Granny A Day # 111 is this lovely Baby Yellow, Primrose Yellow, Baby Pink and Rose Pink creation.
I had to start a new row today, so this square is all out on it's own for now, until more squares join it in the days of Granny A Day to come

Now for my WIP (well one of  them anyway)

Do you remember that I started this top?

I managed to put the front of the top together recently, but due to work load, classes and other WIP's I haven't had the time to start the back.

So today, being the rainy day that it was, I made that start....

And progress does, what is does....

And I managed to join a few more motifs than intended

As you can see, I am marking out the motifs that I have joined on the suggested joining diagram on the pattern book.

I also had time today to have a really good flick through all the magazines that I was given yesterday:
Sew Hip, Modern Quilting etc and I am going to subscribe to a few more publications very, very soon as I find them all reviving other handmade crafts that I used to enjoy spending time on.


  1. It is interesting post. I hope I will find someone who have a little one who can wear it. Now I am thinking should I post it on my blog.

  2. Thanks for stopping and leaving a comment Baby Hats, I am going to take a look at your blog right away!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!