Thursday 19 April 2012

A Very Special Day at Inside Crochet Magazine on GAD #110!

I had a very very special day today at All Craft Media's 1st Open Day.

I was honoured to be invited, along with a pupil of my choice and we met a very friendly and professional team of all their magazines, 
including Knit, Yarn Wise, Modern Quilting, Sew Hip, Handmade Fashion and more.

They are all so passionate about what they do, it's no wonder their magazines are so FAB.

We were all given a pile of magazines to take away and I can tell you that I will be widening my crafting skills and magazine subscriptions now.

We were warmly welcomed and had a great introductory chat from the owner & chief  Kerrie Allman who told us how her company came to be and indeed how it grew from a small Knit magazine to all the magazines they produce today.

We were then greeted and chatted with the Editorial Team of all of the magazines as samples of Knits, Quilts, Crochet items etc were passed around.

It was very exciting and I was in my element - my mind was going "oh I could make that," or "I could try making one of those," or "I WILL take that new craft up."

So not only will my crafting skills be growing but my Magazine Subscriptions too.
(Note to self - Birthday Wish List)

After a very nice lunch, we were invited to "craft" so here's one of my fellow lucky invitees spinning some natural wool

I took my Granny A Day blanket along and added GAD # 110 to the other # 109

Here we are all concentrating 

On Crochet, knitting and embroidery

Having a nice chat and

exchanging skills and ideas

Here are some pictures of the office - where it all happens

A Work In Progress

Can you see the little Camper Van featured in a recent issue of Inside Crochet?

We were then treated to watch a Photo Shoot

Which took place in a local field

And the youngest member of the team

Was roped in as a model too

Here we all are for our group photo

Now this is my "Inside Crochet Magazine" Granny A Day 110

made on site, on hallowed ground.

I love this blanket so much and at day 110 it's not even a 3rd of the way along yet.

I am having trouble getting all the squares in one photo!

What am I going to do when the blanket grows even more?

To finish today's blog, I would like to thank Kerrie Allman for inviting me and my Crochet Student Lilly along for the day.


  1. Yay :D It was a great day. Nice meeting you and thanks for the crochet tips :) Also when you move down to Dorset and set up a crochet getaway type thing, let me know!

  2. Hiya - yes it was a great day wasn't it? Nice meeting you too and hope we can keep in touch. I sure will keep you informed of my Crochet Weekends. I am just about to do some research now!

  3. Lucky you! It sounds like fun!

    1. Thanks for dropping by Eileen, it was fun and very informative - I didn't realise how much work went into making a magazine!

  4. I'm pleased you had a good day and wanted to say you've inspired me to have another go at crochet with your enthusiasm and I plan to look at your tips and tutorials shortly. Ps I'm a magazine-aholic too! I but Knit regularly but not the crochet mag, perhaps I ought? Sue x

    1. Thanks Sue, I really didn't know what to expect of the day but I really did enjoy myself and it was nice to chat with like minded people, knitters, sewers, weavers etc. I have taught a lot of knitters who have told me that they need to learn crochet for certain knitting patterns, so yes, maybe you should buy one or two copies every now and then! Thanks for the comment. Ali


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!