Tuesday 24 April 2012

GAD 115, TWO crochet classes, Knitting and Crochet Blog Week AND teaching 30 Brownies

I kid you not, it was a very very busy Crochet day for me today.

My first Crochet Pupil brought in this fantastic cushion that she's been working on.
She only started classes in January 2012 - can you believe that?

There is such precision in her work

She has a real passion for Crochet

And today we started to make a beaded coaster

After threading on 70 multi colour beads

We started to make this Coaster together

It's looking great already

Pupil No. 2 is the lady that asked me to Crochet a cardigan with her, in cotton 4ply and a 3mm hook, it's fine work

If you remember, her work started off in PINK but she decided that she didn't like the pink after making at least 11 rows of the square work area

So she started AGAIN in white!!

And it's looking very very beautiful so far.

GAD 115 started life as a coaster.  I decided there and then that I wouldn't Frog it (pull it out) so I added a Granny Square frame to the 1st two rows made mainly from clusters and added it to the other 114 squares already joined into the blanket

Knitting & Crochet Blog Week
Photography Challenge Day!
Today challenges you to be creative with your photography, and get yourself in with the chance to win the photography prize. Taking interesting photographs in this instance isn't about flashy cameras or a great deal of technical know-how, it's about setting up a story or scene in a photograph and capturing something imaginative. Your photograph(s) should feature something related to your craft, so that might be either a knitted or crocheted item, yarn, or one of your craft tools. One example of setting a scene would be to photograph a girl in a knitted red cape walking through the woodlands with a basket of goodies, as in the Red Riding Hood tale, or you might photograph a knitted gnome hiding among the flowers in your garden. Photo editing is permitted for competition photos.

Unfortunately I did not have a chance to fit this in today as I ended my day with teaching a Brownie Pack of 30 Brownies how to Crochet!!

We made friendship bracelets with beaded ends and here are just a few of their creations

The best thing is that they really enjoyed it!


  1. Really like the wavy cushion :) Been enjoying seeing your daily Granny Square too. Just found your original post about them. Not sure I'm brave enough to do a whole year but I might join you for a month when I've finished the blanket I'm working on at the mo. It was great seeing how far your blanket has come already :)

    1. Thank you! I love making the Granny A Day blanket so I am glad you like to look at it too! Join in any time you fancy and forever long you fancy too. It would be nice to see what you make from your squares, so if you have time to post me some photo's then please do! Ali


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!