Wednesday 25 April 2012

Granny A Day 116 & Wild Card for 3KCBWDAY3

My Granny A Day 116 is a very bright yellow & orange combo.  I chose these vibrant colours because it's been such a dull and boringly, continuously rainy day today.

Furthermore my square today is dedicated to Beth Butcher as she's such a lovely lady and loves to crochet too!

Now for ......

As I don't have a Knitting or Crochet Hero, well apart from myself that is, and I didn't want to bore you with a story about me and my crochet addiction.....

Your Knitting Or Crochet Hero

Blog about someone in the fibre crafts who truly inspires you. There are not too many guidelines for this, it's really about introducing your readers to someone who they might not know who is an inspiration to you. It might be a family member or friend, a specific designer or writer, indie dyer or another blogger. If you are writing about a knitting designer and you have knitted some of their designs, don't forget to show them off. Remember to get permission from the owner if you wish to use another person's pictures.

I have decided to play the Wildcard today instead

WILDCARD - Craft Your Perfect Day
Plan your fantasy day with your craft, It might just take up one hour of your day or be the entire focus of the day, but tell your readers where you'd love to craft, whether you'd craft alone or with friends, knitting or crocheting something simple or spending a day learning new skills.

My Fantasy Crochet Day would be to teach CROCHET ALL DAY
Here are a few of the reasons why....

My pupils have Crocheted all of these items

And they amaze me with their their enthusiasm

And skill
From a very early stage!

Whether they come to me in group classes 

Or individually

Whether they are a total beginner

Or they are reviving a lost craft

They surprise me with these wonderful crocheted items

Each time they come to see me

Teaching makes me so happy

As I know that I am passing on a life long craft that they in turn 

Can pass on to others in time

Be it for making their own cards

Or fashion accessories


Cushion Covers

I love it when they bring their homework achievements along to their next lesson

Or when they discover that they CAN make a flower

Or a Chicken

Or join squares together for a blanket

Or indeed make Toys and Gifts for their friends (lucky friends I say)

Just look at how this FABULOUS blanket has turned out

And how this Piggy Ted (that's our nickname for it) is coming along

or how this cushion cover is beginning to take shape

I have also taught a few students the basics of using a sewing machine

So that their Crocheted Creations can be finished off correctly

I have also agreed to make a "Cardigan - A - Long" with one student so that she can read a pattern 100% correctly

And when students email me pictures of their achievements

I am so thrilled to see them

And I feel so proud

Of all their hard work

and dedication

To my favourite craft 

So here is a GOLD STAR to all my Crochet Students

And that is my FANTASY DAY with my CRAFT 

I can't wait until I move house and can host Crochet Days and Crochet Weekends - another fantasy that may soon become a reality!

Today's code is 3KCBWDAY3

1 comment:

  1. You are so lovely, thank you! I can see how much you love teaching, it's great to see :) I loved looking at all the projects too.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!