Thursday 8 March 2012

Day #68 GAD & more motif flowers!

What could have been a very muted in colour Granny Square was revived by a white frame which "lifted" the pale colours to life 
So I am pleased with #68GAD

I then decided to get some more Motifs made

I have to make 26 of the 5 pointed stars

So I did what I had left to do in one go

Pinning them all out on the blocking board

But I ran out of my normal pins (below) and had to use my dress making pins (above)

I then made the final 3 "daisy" motifs.  So that's No's 1, 2 & 7 all done


  1. Hi - lovely site, I just found your site and will be following you! I'm new to blogging and hope one day my blog will be as interesting as yours is.

    1. Hi Yvonne & thanks for your comment! Glad to hear you will be following me - I will go and take a look at your blog now and I am sure it will be as interesting!
      Thanks again. Ali


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!