Wednesday 7 March 2012

Day #67 Granny A Day + More W.I.P.

I was in a PINK mood today

So Granny A Day #67 had to have a PINK theme
I think it looks LOVELY!

Here is Pinky joined in with the other 66 Squares

I had a bit more time on my hands today

So I continued with my only WIP
Which is my Summer Lacey Top

376 cover

This really is a WIP

There are 7 motifs to make 
and you have to make this amount of each one

1 = 11
2 = 16
3 = 17
4 = 17
5 = 18
6 = 18 
7 = 26

So far I have made

So not many left to go and as Hubby is out tonight I might just finish a few more

In the picture above you can see No. 2 (top left), to the middle there is No.7 (the little stars) and
bottom left is No.4

Here are some of them being pinned out and left to "block" overnight


  1. Oh gosh--I've misplaced the calendar where I wrote in the numbers of the days. I put in my post that it was day 66--looks like it's day 67--oops!
    Here is the link to this week's post with the photo of my progress on the challenge:

    1. Hi Marsha, don't worry, you'll soon catch up with one square. I have been over to your blog - Love the idea of laying your squares out on the bed to get the sizing right! They are all looking very very splendid. :0)

  2. I'm loving that summer top - can't wait to see them all come together. I like the bulletin board for blocking. Good going on your grannies. I'm still behind but am looking forward to the 365 squares everyone is making.

  3. Hi Sara - lovely to hear from you and good luck with your book! Will it be available in the UK? Yes the Bulletin Board is a good way to block smaller items. Thanks re: Grannies - It was my project idea so I have to be the one that keeps going!! LOL - can't falter. I can't wait to see all the squares too 366 as it's Leap Year! I will try to say Hi via Twitter x


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!