Tuesday 6 March 2012

Day #66 & 2 Crochet Classes

I am going to start with GAD #66 today, as there are so many photo's to show you from my 2nd class today, so here it is!

I love the purple frame and the soft colours inside - don't you?

Pupil #1 had so many things to go through and she hadn't been to see me for a good few weeks + I was concentrating SO much that I forgot to take any photo's.  

However we did cover the work that she wanted to do and I did sort out a few issues of pattern reading for her - a little more advanced than my "beginners" classes, but where can she go if I wasn't around??
(There are no other crochet teachers in this area you see)

On to Pupil #2

She emailed me in the week to say that she got stuck on her popcorn stitches and had to undo it several times, but I think that she just lacks confidence, not in herself, but in her Crochet Work, because this is what she brought in

I think that she's done a fantastic job of the Dahlia pattern made up of Popcorns

She also brought in this Flower.  We did start one in class together last week.  She made a 2nd one!!

It's so lovely isn't it?

And in today's lesson

We started to join her little squares

We started on the vertical joins

And when she gets home, she is going to continue with these and then go on to the horizontal joins.

I can't wait to see the finished blanket!

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