Monday 5 March 2012

Day #65 - 15 minute wonder!!

Granny A Day Number 65 was completed..... a total of 15 minutes - hence the 15 minute wonder in the title!

I turned off the TV, didn't answer the phone and even ignored the beeper on the oven when the warning beeps started (it's ok - dinner wasn't ruined)

As usual for this project, I did the Join As You Go method
and completed the whole thing in the said timescale.

It wasn't a race - I just decided to to time the "making of" from start to finish - complete with 4 colour changes.

I also have some WIP news!

I have completed some more motifs for the top project that I have on the go.

I have now completed all 11 of the main motif, that you can see to the left of the board

So now it's the smaller ones to finish, so not long now.

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