Friday 9 March 2012

Granny A Day #69 + A mountain climbed - phew!

 I am going to work through my day in my Crochet World as it happened today.

As you can see from the fluffy white cuff of my Bath Robe on the left of the picture, here I am first thing this morning, whilst having my first cup of tea (Co-Op tea if you are interested, which is the best in my opinion), blocking the motifs that I made last night

Later on in the morning, I went to the Wool Sale.
I have mentioned the Wool Sale before - every ball of wool is a pound - yes £1 sterling.

I have in the past bought balls of Cashmere, Merino (my poncho was made from Merino at £1 a ball) and Aran for £1, along with numerous amounts of Chunky, Double Knit and 4 Ply!!

So today, I was thinking of colours that I could add to my Granny A Day basket Stash and I found these, all DK and all perfect for more Granny A Day Squares. 

I then came across this bag of wool

It's colour attracted me.
It's by JAEGER and it's called
Iona Tweed Aran
84% Wool, 8% Acrylic & 8% Nylon

The bag had 14 balls inside so I bought them all

Unfortunately, since getting the wool home (I suppose I can officially call this Wool as opposed to "Yarn" as it does have 84% wool in it's make up) I noticed that some of the balls are a little worse for wear as it's stored in the "owner" garage, and I think that the mice or rats like a little nibble.

Still I am not complaining for the price!  I can always knot a few strands together!

I just hope it hasn't got a flea problem and infest the rest of my wools / yarns in that basket!! 

Next was my Granny A Day #69
Needless to say I used the wool that I bought today - it was too tempting not try out some new colours!

To bring you up to time (it's just gone 17.:30 here GMT) I made the final amounts of the motifs No.3 (bottom right) and 6 of the No.4 Motif which was my mountain to climb today.

Don't get me wrong, I love the motif No.4 it's just that I fell out of love with making it for some reason

Here is my little "gate" chart and can you see 17 are all marked off!

I am just going to have a final count just in case before I get too excited.

Right I am off to prepare dinner now and to continue working Motifs 5 & 6
I have about 10 of each to make
to complete the total amount of motifs needed
before I can start to "assemble" my top

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