Saturday 11 February 2012

Day #42 + Crochet Class + 2 new projects + Bunting

Wow I have lots to tell you today!

First of all - Day #42 of Granny A Day

I made this before my class today and although it looks small, it will be ok once there are more squares surrounding it

Then I had time to make a decision
or Vertical

I went for Horizontal and finally finished off my heart bunting

It's now hanging in my hallway

And looks lovely

I simply made a long chain and slip stitched the hearts in 

As I went along!

 Now for my excitement of the day!!
Look at this FAB blanket

This is made by one of my Pupils "JC"

She was inspired by a pattern from Attic 24 which I helped her to read back in December
Click HERE
to read all about how it started
All "JC" has to do now is work the edge - she already has all the wool - she just had to decided on the actual finish - Straight or Fancy?  She's gone for Straight with I totally agree with as you don't want to distract from the beauty of the blanket and all the hard work and many hours of crocheting that has gone into it.
Believe it or not "JC" is standing behind that blanket holding it up for me to photograph!!


The photo to the top is the start of a Glasses Case and the one underneath that is the start of a Bag.

Both patterns were brought in by "JC" as she was stumped on the translation and needed my help to get both projects going.

This is how the pattern read:
Working in remaining loops of original chain

 If it had read "Work the next set of stitches into the back of the stitches of the foundation chain, then "JC" would have worked it out for herself!

A similar thing happened with the Bag pattern
on the back loop of the ch
Again if it had said Foundation chain then it might have clicked for "JC" 

"JC" did very very well today - it's a change from making her Granny Blanket and working in a chunky wool too - I can't wait to see the finished projects next week!

I am going to continue to work both patterns now that I have started them.  I could do with a new Glasses Case anyway and the bag will work up very quickly as it's worked with a Chunky Wool.

1 comment:

  1. Loving that heart bunting Ali. I am hoping to get one done myself soon.


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!