Friday 10 February 2012

Day #41!!!

I haven't got a lot to report from today.
After the 2 classes yesterday I am totally drained, so I took the opportunity of having a free day to do as little as possible - even managed to get my husband to cook!

However I wasn't too busy for my Granny A Day

I was thinking "winter" and "snow" when I went to grab my yarn and hook today

as it snowed overnight
 and made it all white outside again, before the last lot had a chance to disappear!

And here are all 41 Squares!


  1. Love it, it is really coming along.

    I have been under the weather and now my daughter has a cold. Yeah. So I have not been stitching much.

    Hopefully, things will get better soon!!

  2. Hope you feel better soon Amy x


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