Thursday 9 February 2012

Day #40 and TWO Crochet Classes later....

I was in a bit of a rush this morning, knowing that I have 2 crochet classes of 2 hours each to take today, to get my Granny Square made for Day 40, but I had half an hour, so I got started in shades of blue....

It was only after I had fastened it off, that I realised, in my haste, that I had joined it back to front...


So I had to "frog" the last row and join it the right way round - but all was done in the nick of time.

My pupil #1 arrived and showed me her homework, which was the start of a Teddy Bear which we started together in her last lesson.  The head was complete with eyes, and she had made a start on the body, so she hasn't got long to finish it off.  I asked her what she wanted to do next and to my delight, she said 
"Granny Squares"

We did make Granny Squares in her first few lessons, but none since then.  All her crochet work has been mainly in DC, so Granny's are the perfect way to perfect trebles and make a blanket at the same time.

So we started on a Granny Square and even perfected colour changes

And after colour changes I let her practice on my Granny A Day Blanket using the Join A You Go method.  She picked this up really quickly and I was very pleased with her ability to learn this so quickly, as others haven't!

Pupil #2 arrived this afternoon and she'd travelled for 2 hours to get to me!  She said that she had looked at other teachers, closer to home, but she liked my website and the fact that I would teach a pupil what they wanted to learn e.g. a scarf etc. and not a set programme, so that's why she came to me!

She was thrilled once she had mastered the art of a Foundation Chain.
She had been trying to teach herself from You Tube, but that wasn't working and she was getting a combo of large chains and tighter small ones, so this was a great achievement.

After practising a few SC's just so that she knew how to do them and what they are used for, we went on to DC's and 

She made this!  

Her homework is a bookmark and she has promised to practice before coming back to the lesson that she has booked in for next week.  

I am really looking forward to teaching her HTR's and TR's as she will need to learn TR's for a scarf pattern that she brought in.  I am sure that she will have made a start on that during next weeks' lesson.

Needless to say that after 2, 2 hour lessons, I am knackered but exhilarated at the same time!

I have taught one person the basics of Crochet and the other has progressed to a new project and one that she wants to work on!



  1. It sounds quite fascinating being able to teach people crochet, my sister and a few other people want me to show them how to crochet as they can't get the hang of it on their own. Well done to both your pupil.

    1. Thanks Hazel I really enjoy teaching Crochet to others and I am still in wonder at how others "create" crochet items from my teachings. It's wonderful to pass on something that I think is a dying art. I hope you get to teach your sister and others and to pass on this great craft!


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