Sunday 12 February 2012

Glasses Case, Amazing Students & GAD 43

I finished my Glasses Case.  It looked a little boring plain so I added more buttons to it to make it a little more interesting

I then got this picture via email from "JC" a minute ago - she's finished the edging on her FAB blanket and I am stunned at how fantastic it looks

Finally GAD 43

That's All Folks!


  1. While it does look simple, it certainly has its own appeal. Making glasses case takes hard work, especially if you want to make it unique, right?

    1. Thanks Sam, that's a really nice comment. Yes having something that is unique does can take a lot of hard work. I love the fact that it's a one off and I get so many lovely comments about it too!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!