Thursday 5 January 2012

Granny A Day #5 and Lots More Too including my new Yarn Stash!

I am going to start with the fact that I have added a further Tutorial (free) to the collection, so go and take a look  by clicking here

 Now for 

Day #5 of Granny A Day 2012

Here it is!

And here are the 5 squares that I have made in total so far

I think I mentioned yesterday, that I have a Granny Square Addiction since starting Granny A Day 2012.

It's not only creating and seeing my own squares, but everyone else's too!
See GrannyADay by clicking here

Drastic action had to be taken and I have embarked on an epic crochet journey - yes - to make a giant Granny Square by whatever means - yarn and colour wise, possible.  So if I start a row and can't finish it in the colour I started with, then I will just be continuing in another colour!  That hasn't happened so far but it might do as the rows progress and as they get larger!

Here is the Giant Granny W.I.P. so far!

Created with flickr slideshow.

And if you haven't had enough excitement already there's more!

I don't know whether to blog about it now

or leave it till tomorrow?

I will blog about it now

I was so excited when I saw the postman carrying a big squidgy parcel up the garden path, I could have kissed him!

Here they are

If you have followed my crochet blog for a while now, you'll know that I love bold colours and rainbow colours too, so with that in mind, and for a change from the bolder colours that I have recently worked in, I have toned down this selection

Although, as you can clearly see, I have sneaked in a lovely purple and a vibrant red

These are complimented by various soft blues, an olive green

some dusky pinks

and yellows inspired by herb & fruit colours

I bought 17 balls in all and these will add to the colours already used in my Granny A Day project


  1. Love the colours !! Where do you buy ? x Deb

  2. Hi Debbie, I got them on EbaY. They are by Stylecraft, a yarn maker that I love. Even though they are acrylic they are very soft and easy to wash too!

  3. I made my 5 granny squares today to catch up. My plan is to get tomorrow's made and then get a picture and my blog post up that I am participating with your button and such...and will add the button to my sidebar as well.
    I did a search to find the instructions...I have them now. I don't really like how each square ends but I know that once I put them together it will look fine.
    I think I am also going to put them together as I go too.

  4. Wow Marsha - that's fab! I can't wait to see your pictures. Do let me know when you post them as it's harder work than I thought keeping up with everyone's photo's on here, on twitter and on Ravelry - I didn't think that this Granny A Day 2012 would be so popular!! Hope you have a great crocheting day. Ali


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!