Friday 6 January 2012

Day #6 Granny Square Mania + I confess!

Yes it's Day 6 of Granny A Day 2012 & here's my square for today

I made it plain / one colour and you'd be thinking to yourself "well that's an easy one to do" 
Am I right?
Well let me tell you, it was a PAIN in the %$£* as I was using a scrap end of yarn & the more I got to the end the more the wool / yarn got worse and worse!

I ended up having to unravel, un knot,  tease strands back into place and 4 knot joins later it was finally finished

So there are the 6 so far

Next to blog about is my trip to IKEA - we went (that's me and my lovely husband) a glass cabinet for our wine glasses, a project well overdue.

Whilst we were there I saw these lovely baskets and I thought that they would be just the ticket for sorting out my yarn stash!
(more later)

My Giant Granny Blanket is growing
Before you scroll down to the next picture, can you see the flaw?
Look in the bottom right hand corner

Yes I ran out of baby pink, so I swapped to the next colour that I use in the row above and continued with that.

Here's the close up
I must admit, you don't really notice it
Do you?

OK so back to the baskets and the yarn stash.
Another long over due project 
but I got my back into it

Top Row from left to right
1. 4 odd balls of Silver
2. More odd balls of baby green & blues
3. Purple balls are added to the basket
4. Then 2 new balls (well unused) of DK white
5. Topped with a bag of 10 balls of white cotton tape

Middle Row from left to right
1.  A bag of 20 multi colour 25g balls of DK (will be used in group class)
2. Basket off newly bought wools (see previous post) 17 x 100g balls in all
3.  Two book shelves full of various - chunky, cotton tape, merino, aran, fine cotton
4. The chair I am sitting on now - wools for my current Giant Granny Square project
5.  6 bags of Merino or Aran (JAEGER) each with 10 balls of wool

Bottom Row from left to right
1. Same as 5 above but from a different angle
2. 7 balls of 100% Cashmere wools (JAEGER) that I got for £1 from the wool sale
3.  My new IKEA basket with baby sized yarns - ideal for my Granny A Day 2012 project
4. More 25g balls of multi coloured acrylic yarns for my group classes
5.  My newly purchased wools in their old basket (so same as Middle row 2)

I am a Yarn Addict
I am a Hook A Holic


  1. Hi, Ali. I just posted my first weeks grannies. This is a lot of fun, and I am learning many new motifs. Thanks for your coordination of this project and your inspiration.

  2. Hi Mlissabeth, I am just over on your blog and your pictures are Black & White "no entry" images!!! I am not sure what's gone wrong. Could you email the pictures to me if you can't get the problem fixed? I am glad you are having lots of fun and learning new designs - that's the whole idea of this project so glad that you have joined in.

  3. I don't know what the problem is either. I will try to put the pictures on the Flickr group and e-mail them to you as well. Although I think this is going to get hectic for you to continue to re-post, I will try that if that is what you want. I am also on Ravelry, and will check out the project there.

  4. I am macalifrog on Ravelry so I'm sure your find me and the group via that name!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!