Saturday 21 January 2012

Granny A Day # 21 + Grab A Button!

Before I get started on the Crochet bits and bobs, I would just like to let you know about a new page that I have created, especially for all of you Crochet Loving Bloggers!
Or click on the 
Grab A Crochet Button For Free Page Tab above

Hope you like them & if you have any suggestions or requests just let me know!

I also combed Twitter and Blogger for Granny A Day photo's and added them to the Granny A Day 2012 page - which I will go back to later today and again tomorrow and create a Collage to "celebrate" the end of Week 3 as Week 4 starts tomorrow!!

Now for Granny A Day 21 - I used my Glass Crochet Hook made by the 
Knit Glass Guy (see yesterday's post)
to make Granny No. 21

And here it is - the middle is a multi colour wool - the one that I used for my Draught Excluder Cosy
Then I used a Lime Green left over from my Filofax cover
& some Purple - I am not sure where that came from or was used for!!

I then decided to dedicate a new Crochet Covered pot to my lovely glass crochet hooks

I know it's a big pot for just 2 hooks but they deserve it
In fact I went as far as to line the pot - bottom and sides with some special wrap
so that they don't clunk and chip when I pull them out or when I put them back in

Back to my Granny Squares
At the moment they are big enough to drape on the back of my chair in my room 
This is the room from where I Crochet, Blog and Create
I call it my "Hobbies" room

Did you notice the Amigurumi mobile hanging from my door handle......

.....and the Rainbow Draught Excluder at the back of the picture?


  1. Your house is looking wonderfully colourful!

  2. Thanks Susan, I have to sneak it in here and there without him noticing too much so I do it a bit at a time! LOL Hope you are well? I will pop over for a read of yours x

  3. I love all your crocheted things. I'm seriously thinking about getting some of those glass hooks. Those are beautiful!! Are they as nice to crochet with as they are to look at? Can't wait to see what else you make.

  4. Hi Tracey & thank you for your kind words about my work! I love the glass hooks. I have used the smaller hook (the red handled one) so far as it's lovely to work with. I would highly recommend them!


Thanks for leaving a Comment - I love to get Comments and I will reply as soon as I put my hook and yarn down!